Thursday 23 August 2012

Additional information


3DS max material -
last accessed - 19/08/2012, by tengolethal.

Images -
last accessed 23/08/2012, by Steve.[50%25].JPG
 last accessed 21/08/2012, by NA.
last accessed 20/08/2012, by NA.
last accessed 20/08/2012, Fredy1602.
last accessed 20/08/2012, by CatTails
last accessed 22/08/2012, BFH Studios


It is an odd way of thinking, but alike other courses it opens up a new branch while it is not a topic everyone seems to take interest in, you really need to soak up the good stuff. This is kind of a thing i enjoy representing architecture through all types of media except the model making part, something i am terrible at also, getting glue on my hands and taking weeks to get it off. Apart from that i found it fun doing realistic renderings as well as a challenge at times but I have learnt quite a bit from Photoshop techniques. dissecting buildings and breaking down concepts can be mind numbing with thoughts that do not end and hitting brick walls and asking yourself where do you go from here. The work load could be a pain to get through and it somehow all ends up together sifting through ten folders with twenty different files differentiated by a letter organizing and disorganizing it as multiple things go wrong. Possibly worth it.
Also if you were wondering why my model hasn't changed at all, There were no recommendations as much as i would liked to have change it.

Electronic Submission

2 x A3 Posters


Night time Render

South perspective render

Inner north perspective render

North render

The textures and most of this was done through Photoshop i chose textures particularly the ground to have a certain irregularity about it as if it was breaking apart which i found to go well with the concepts of Fragmentation and Organized chaos. Textures on the concrete i tried to make it seem more realistic adding lights and bolt holes. Adding additional shadows and highlights, and i took shots where i think would help exaggerate and accentuate the strengths.I also tried to get the grass/land to seem to push the building into the water.

Physical model

Why this as a physical model?
The concepts have a beginning, which is a simple geometric form, each face shows something different so. the idea that breaking down a geometric form where it should be seen in finer detail of what it is made of. Many tiny fragments which create a clean shape.


Just to show a peek of the process that goes through into final renders. There are much more failed images than these to get the lighting and such.

Representation in 4D

Friday 17 August 2012

BuildAR - Markers

1. The beginning, a simple geometric form, nothing startling. It it seen as the basic start no more than a box or a triangle. From here on the geometry is evolved, what is done here makes it unique, an expression. 

2. Breaking the object, what is created are many new geometries. Breaking down a simple object there is much more smaller things that it is made up of, naked to the eye until taking a piece out.

3. Taking pieces away you are left with simple shapes. What if they were rearranged then what, what do they become now. No longer part of the geometry they are now all isolated and their own unique forms.

4. What if the objects were arranged in a particular way. There is no same outcome. How do you want to connect each piece and what do they bring.

5. The new geometry has a new sense of expression a new era. Why arrange in this particular fashion and not in the infinite other ways. Fragments meet each other where they they would never see the day from its original form. The new form exists as if it were the same objects untouched.

6. This represents the idea of having geometric form placed into an environment. The million possibilities how can you put a geometric form to reenact to its surroundings. 

Previous post explains a bit - StoryBoard--->

Thursday 16 August 2012


Breaking down the concepts of Fragmentation and Organized chaos, i thought about going back those concepts and how they are born to be starting with a plain rectangle and how it alters into what these concepts are going in between these concepts.
The ideas you see probably don't make sense, I sketch ideas randomly rather than step by step.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Week 2 - Reflection

The way standard geometries are used in the way it is arranged and rearraged and deconstructed as if it is a chaotic transformation of spaces being created through caps inbetween. The way repetition of patterns create an eye candy and brings out the geometry so much more that if it were just one, possibly because it creates so much interest into deciphering what it means or the object itself. Certain characteristics into looking at Vitra fire station is the angular walls where it seems like it was just dropped. The ideas of fragmentation of non geometric forms are collided to form rooms. With the variation in size and exagerration of elements seem to play with a sense of scale where it is not consistent.